Mehdi Ammi and Antoine Dedewanou: Priorities for Public Health Systems / Representativeness of Primary Care Surveys

Associate Professor Mehdi Ammi and Adjunct Research Professor Antoine Dedewanou, jointly with colleagues from the University of Toronto and McGill University, recently published a peer-reviewed article titled “Prioritization of public health financing, organization, and workforce transformation: a Delphi study in Canada” in BMC Public Health.
Priority-setting for public health systems became increasingly important with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, as new competing priorities emerged. This study explores areas for consensus among senior-level public health decision-makers working across different level of governments throughout Canada. Find out key results in the paper available in open access.
In another recently published peer-reviewed article, Associate Professor Mehdi Ammi and colleagues from multiple Canadian universities explore the representativeness of two large primary care surveys. More details are in the publication, also available in open access: “How do respondents of primary care surveys compare to typical users of primary care? A comparison of two surveys”.