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SPPA Alumni Reception – Sept 8, 2023

SPPA was delighted to welcome and celebrate our in-coming Graduate students during a full day of Orientation events on Friday September 8, which was capped of by our much anticipated Alumni Reception.  This annual event brings together our Alumni, faculty and staff join in to welcome our first year students into the vibrant SPPA community.  Over 100 were in attendance.  This year, the Alumni Reception also doubled as the kick-off event for our celebration of 80 years of Public Administration at Carleton University.

Welcome remarks were given by Dean Brenda O’Neill and Director Jennifer Stewart presented student and alumni awards: The Ian MacDonald Student Essay Award was given to Parisa Vafaie for her essay “Full Stop: Assessing How Education Policy Reforms Can Address Period Poverty in Canada”.  Three SPPA Volunteer Recognition Awards were presented to  Avee Purohit and Joyce Wamambo in recognition if their work in Equity and Inclusion, as well as to Dong Ngo in recognition of his leadership in coaching SPPA’s 2023/23 CAPPA Case Competition team.

SPPA Alumnus and Retired Canadian Ambassador, James (Joe) Bissett offered insights into the early days of SPPA, and from his as his long and distinguished career offered words of wisdom and encouragement to the in-coming SPPA students.

The plenary speaker for the evening was the 2023 James Bissett Distinguished Alumni Award recipient Bob Masterson, who was introduced by retired SPPA faculty member Glen Toner.  Bob provided an inspiring speech to incoming students, and where SPPA can take them.

Thanks to everyone who made this such a special event and best of luck to our incoming cohort!

See photos of this event here