DPPE Current Students
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Course Descriptions
Student FAQ
Degree Requirements
All the degree requirements for the graduate Diploma in Public Policy and Program Evaluation are outlined in the Graduate Calendar. These include four single-semester applied courses and a two-course practicum.
Online Learning Supports
Carleton offers support for your online learning experience through a dedicated website that provides you with resources and tips and tricks for getting the most from your online courses. Whatever your level of familiarity is with online learning platforms, we recommend looking at Carleton Online to ensure you are best positioned for your courses.
Canadian Evaluation Society Case Competition
This annual competition has been running for more than two decades. Students work in teams to devise a proposal to address a real-world program evaluation problem, which are judged and ranked by evaluation experts. For more information on the competition, please visit the competition website.
Professional Associations, Organizations and Networks
Our program is designed to position you for a career in evaluation. To enhance your professional connections and network, consider engaging with the organizations, associations and networks listed below. Each will provide different forms of ongoing professional support and development.
- Canadian Evaluation Society
- American Evaluation Association
- European Evaluation Society
- International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS)
- International Organization for Co-operation in Evaluation
- United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG)
- UN Evaluation Cooperation Group
- Canadian Universities for Evaluation Education (CUEE)
- Eldis
- EvalPartners
- Better Evaluation
- W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Awards and Funding
Carleton offers a variety of funding opportunities to our students. New and current students can apply for several internal, external and special awards.
Application deadlines vary. Students should consult the specifics of the awards to understand the eligibility requirements, application materials, and necessary internal deadlines. More information on these opportunities can be found on the Graduate Students website.
Career Services
Carleton’s career services website is a wealth of information and opportunities for students looking for help with job searches or career advice. Career services offers one-on-one advising sessions, help with job searches, and career and networking events.