James Meadowcroft is a Professor in both the Department of Political Science and the School of Public Policy and Administration. He recently completed a 14-year term as a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Governance for Sustainable Development. Meadowcroft has written widely on environmental politics and policy, democratic participation and deliberative democracy, national sustainable development strategies, and socio-technical transitions.

James Meadowcroft

Chancellor’s Professor

Degrees: BA (McGill) DPhil (Oxford)

Low-carbon transition; environmental policy; sustainable development; energy policy; climate change; comparative environmental politics and policy


Honorary Doctor of Administrative Sciences, University of Tampere, Finland (2010)

  • The award was for scholarly contributions to the understanding of the politics and policy involving the environment and sustainable development. Read more.

Academic Leadership

Chaired organizing committee for 2019 IST Conference

View Quicklink: Science Committee for ESG

Member of the Scientific Steering Committee for ESG

View Quicklink: Civid-19 recovery task force

Member of National Task Force on Economic Recovery Post-COVID

canadian institute for climate choices

Member of Expert Panel for CICC

Active Initiatives

Books & Edited Collections

Journal Articles

Refereed Book Chapters

Lecture Videos

Energi Media
Markham interviews Dr. James Meadowcroft, research director of The Transition Accelerator, about his new study, Pathways to Net Zero: A Decision Support Tool.

Jean Monnet Network Carleton CANEUNET
“Where Next for Canada’s Low Carbon Transition?” On February 9th, 2018, the Centre for European Studies hosted a policy workshop, “Clean Energy & Climate Policy in Canada and the EU: an Exchange of Experiences, Views, and Visions for the Future,” at Carleton University.

Smart Prosperity Institute
James Meadowcroft speaks of the need to frame the discussion as a socio-technical transition towards a low carbon emission energy sector. He describes how our economic and political institutions are currently in a technological lock-in (path dependence) on current fossil fuel.

Media coverage

Carleton News Room

