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The Carleton School of Public Policy and Administration is honoured to have exceptional alumni around the world. The SPPA alumni community is filled with distinguished career professionals and the experiences shared of their time at the school show how an education with the SPPA can result in life long memories.
If you are a graduate of the School, consider sharing a memory below. You can keep connected with us via social media and our mailing lists. And please enjoy the other resources on this site, including graduation videos and links to alumni programs and student awards.
- SPPA Alumni Memories
- Join the Mailing List
- MPNL Cohorts
- PhD Graduates
- Graduation Video Catalog
- Supporting Our Students
- Alumni Services
SPPA Alumni Memories
Jamie Perttula, MA in Public Administration, 1990
Ontario Ministry of Transportation
I have great memories of my time at Carleton University studying public administration. The faculty made the experience so rich for me – both the full time faculty and the sessional lecturers. My experience at Carleton shaped me and my career in so many ways. Shortly after starting the program, I felt like I had found a home. I was surrounded by so many people with interests similar to mine; people who enjoyed discussions and debates about questions of public policy. I remember my first economics class with George Warskett, particularly when he jumped up on a table and then used a bicycle inner tube in his discussion of inflation. I was in awe of Bruce Doern; I had read so many of his papers before coming to Carleton, and I actually got to sit in a class with him! I remember getting a compliment from Harvey Lithwick on one of my papers, and getting to work with Allan Maslove and Katherine Graham on a research project. My time in the public administration program can only be topped by my also meeting at Carleton the woman who is my wife. Attending Carleton was one of the best decisions of my life.
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The best way to stay connected with SPPA news, events and more, is to sign up for our mailing list.
You can also stay up to date with news coming out of the school via social media.

MPNL Cohorts
Since the inaugural class in 2013, the Master of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership program has built a community of exceptional current and future leaders. It’s unique program structure that combines an executive-style summer institute with online and in-person instruction makes the program accessible to an array of professionals looking to enter the philanthropy and nonprofit sectors or further enhance their skills as part of continuing professional development. To help past and present students connect with each other and build community, the MPNL program produces an annual cohort book profiling the graduating students. Have a look at them to learn more about the backgrounds of the MPNL students and the rich diversity they bring to SPPA and their program of study.
PhD Graduates
Our PhD graduates embark on a range of careers in academia, the public service, consulting, the private sector, and nonprofits. You can learn more about these career paths at our PhD Graduates page.
Supporting Our Students
The School is fortunate to have several scholarships and awards available for our incoming and continuing students. We celebrate student successes and accomplishments with these awards each year, and we welcome donations to these funds to ensure we can continue to fund student excellence. You can learn about the most recent recipients on our awards page, where you will also find a link Carleton’s Future Funder sites dedicated to each award.
Alumni Services
As a graduate of the School you are also a graduate of Carleton University, which represents a network of over 165,000 alumni living and working around the world. Alumni services is your key to unlock the potential of this network. They offer many services, including the opportunity to become a mentor and participate in alumni events on campus, in Ottawa, across Canada, and abroad.