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Concurrent Graduate Diplomas

Graduate Diplomas for Students in the MPPA

Add “something extra” to your MPPA!

Carleton University offers Type II Graduate Diplomas that can be taken by MPPA students concurrently with their master’s degree. This option allows MPPA students to graduate with a Master’s degree and a graduate diploma. Students apply to the Graduate Diploma after acceptance to the MPPA and separately from the MPPA application process.

MPPA students enrolled in a Type II Graduate Diploma can have 1.0 credit of course work count towards the MPPA and their Graduate Diploma.

This webpage is for your information only. The Web edition of the Carleton University Graduate Calendar is the University’s official statement. Please consult with the Graduate Supervisor, MPPA before applying for any Graduate Diploma.

MPPA students may be interested in these concurrent diplomas:

European Integration Studies [2.0 credits]

1.  1.5 credits from the Primary Option List1.5
2.  0.5 credit from the Secondary Option List0.5
Total Credits2.0

For MPPA students, 1.0 credit of the courses taken will count as electives towards the MPPA. The remaining 1.0 credit of courses will be considered courses extra to the MPPA.

To complete both the MPPA and Graduate Diploma in European Integration Studies, a student will complete 8.0 credits.

Health: Science, Technology and Policy [2.0 credits]

1.  1.5 credits in:1.5
HLTH 5100 [0.5]Fundamentals of Research Methods
HLTH 5201 [0.5]Fundamentals of Policy I: Policy Analysis
HLTH 5300 [0.5]Knowledge Translation
2.  0.5 credit in electives from:0.5
a. HLTH selected topic elective courses focusing on areas of specific relevance to the health sector

For MPPA students, the HLTH 5100 requirement will be met by successfully completing PADM 5125 and PADM 5126 (a grade of at least a B- in both courses). In addition, HLTH 5300 will count as an elective toward the MPPA. HLTH 5201 and another HLTH elective will be considered courses extra to the MPPA.

To complete both the MPPA and Graduate Diploma in Health: Science, Technology and Policy, a student will complete 8.0 credits.

Infrastructure Protection and International Security [3.0 credits]

1.  1.5 credits in:1.5
IPIS 5101 [0.5]Critical Infrastructure Protection: Issues and Strategies
IPIS 5105 [0.5]Critical Infrastructure Risk Assessment
IPIS 5106 [0.5]Management of Critical Infrastructure
2.  1.0 credit from electives1.0
3.  0.5 credit in:0.5
a) for students without a B.Eng. in Civil Engineering (or equivalent):
IPIS 5103 [0.5]Infrastructure Engineering Principles
b) for students with a B.Eng. in Civil Engineering (or equivalent):
0.5 additional credit from electives in Item 2 above

For MPPA students, IPIS 5101 and IPIS 5101 will count as electives toward the MPPA. The remaining IPIS courses will be considered courses extra to the MPPA.

To complete both the MPPA and Graduate Diploma in Infrastructure Protection and International Security, a student will complete 9.0 credits.

Northern Studies [3.0 credits]

Requirements (Type 2 and Type 3 Diplomas)
1.  2.0 credits in:2.0
NRTH 5000 [1.0]Core Seminar: Northern Environments, Northern Societies, Northern Policy
NRTH 5001 [1.0]Core Seminar: Northern and Arctic Issues
2.  0.0 credit in:0.0
NRTH 5008 [0.0]Introductory Northern Field Course
3.  0.5 credit from:0.5
GEOG 5003 [0.5]Critical Approaches to Qualitative Inquiry
PECO 5001 [0.5]The Methodology of Political Economy
SOCI 5105 [0.5]Selected Topics in Social Research
GEOG 5001 [0.5]Modeling Environmental Systems
or another course in research methods approved by the Program Supervisor
4.  0.5 credit from approved electives:0.5

For MPPA students, the research methods requirement will be met by successfully completing PADM 5125 (a grade of at least a B- in both courses). In addition, the 0.5 elective will count as an elective toward the MPPA. NRTH 5000 and NRTH 5001 will be considered courses extra to the MPPA.

To complete both the MPPA and Graduate Diploma in Northern Studies, a student will complete 9.0 credits.

Carleton University Calendar

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the Carleton University Calendar. From time to time, errata and post-publication updates approved by Senate after initial publication of the Calendar are posted. Notifications of additions and corrections will be posted at the Updates page. The Web edition of the Carleton University Calendar is the University’s official statement. This Calendar is published several months in advance of the beginning of the academic year. The university reserves the right without liability or penalty, and without notice, to make changes in the services and programs that it offers, including alteration of the fee schedules, and cancellation of particular courses. Read full disclaimer here.