Katherine A. H. Graham

Professor Emerita
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BA Honours, (Glendon College, York University, Canada)
MA, Political Studies (Queen’s University, Canada)
Katherine Graham’s research interests concern Indigenous and northern development policy, urban and local governance and institutional reform in government. Community-based research is an important pillar of her work. She is the founding Coordinator of the Carleton University Institute on the Ethics of Research with Indigenous Peoples (CUIERIP). Katherine is currently working on youth and community capacity-building in Northwestern Ontario.
Although I am officially “retired,” I find myself working with continued energy on my research agenda, especially in the areas of Indigenous affairs and northern development. We are now in one of the most important stages of Canadian history as we work on the arduous path towards reconciliation – a process that should engage every one of us as individuals, as well as governments and institutions in all sectors of society. My current work focuses on youth resilience and community capacity-building in Indigenous communities. This work is highly inter-disciplinary, engaging me with psychologists, geographers, development economists and others. It is community led and requires a high degree of community engagement and methodological flexibility as communities set themselves on the path to a new future. Ultimately, the goal of this work is to enable communities to learn from each other and to influence better policy in Indigenous and Canadian governments.
Selected Recent Publications and Funded Research
“The Paradox of Participation: An Overview of Public Participation and Local Government in Canada.” In Sancton, Andrew and Zhenning, Chen (Eds.) Citizen Participation at the Local level in Canada and China. Boca Raton, London and New York: CRC Press, 2015.
Canada in Cities Ed., with Caroline Andrew. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Partnership Grant 2016-2023. “Youth Futures: Bringing together Indigenous and Western approaches to promote youth resilience and prosperity for First nations Communities. “ (Co-applicant). Value: $2.5 million
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Connection Grant 2016-2017. Value: $28, 400.00
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Connection Grant 2015-2016. Value: $50,000.00
Tri-Council Secretariat for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2015. Value: $50,000.00
Recent Teaching
PADM 5713 Leadership and Management in Indigenous Organizations and Governments
Recent Editorships and Academic Offices
Co-Chair, Steering Committee, Community first: Impacts of Community Engagement (CF:ICE) 2012 –
Auditor, Quality Council, Ontario Council of Universities, 2012-
Member, Aboriginal Advisory Circle, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2014-
Chair, Community Based Research Canada (CBRC) 2008-2015
Recent Awards and Distinctions
Honouree, Katherine A. H. Graham Annual Lecture on Aboriginal Policy, Carleton University, established 2009.
Recipient, Ontario Volunteer Service Award, Government of Ontario, 2012
Recipient, Leading Women Building Communities Award, Government of Ontario, 2012