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Stringer, Kevin

Kevin Stringer

Adjunct Professor

Program Director
Certificate Program in Regulatory Leadership
Carleton University

Kevin Stringer was appointed as the Chief Administrative Officer of the RCMP in September 2019 where he served until he retired from the Public Service in August 2021. He became Associate Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Oceans in 2016, after serving as Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Ecosystems and Fisheries Management, for three years. He previously held a variety of senior executive positions at DFO, including ADM, Ecosystems and Oceans Science, ADM, Program Policy, and Director General, Resource Management, as well as Director General, Petroleum Resources Branch, at Natural Resources Canada. Mr. Stringer has a wealth of experience in providing leadership in operational policy and strategic direction in the Department’s major programs, such as habitat and fisheries conservation and protection, fisheries management, species at risk, ocean science, aquaculture, and Indigenous affairs.