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Tips & Tricks: Calls to Action

What makes a really good webpage?

It’s hard to narrow it down to just one thing, but today we have a tip that can turn a good webpage into a great webpage.

Using calls to action.

So, what is a call to action anyway? 

Calls to action, often abbreviated to CTA, are anything you include on your site that encourages a person to take a certain action.

This could be the “contact us” button that you include on your contact page. It could be the “register” button you provide on an event page, or the “purchase” button you provide on a product page.

When you don’t include a call to action on your page, you’re missing out on an opportunity to use your page for its ultimate purpose.

What calls to action should I put on a page? 

When you think about it, every page on your site has a particular function. When determining what calls to action you should include on a page ask yourself the question, “What is the purpose of this page?”

Here are some examples:

The page is dedicated to blog/news posts → “Subscribe to our Newsletter”

The page provides instructions/information → “Questions? Contact Us!”

The page is dedicated to information about the organization → “Meet our Team” (Directs to staff page)

How do I make a call to action?

Calls to action usually refer to something that the user can click that will direct them to somewhere else. That’s why calls to action are usually either buttons or linked text. Here are examples of both:

Call to Action Button
Call to Action Linked Text
Call to Action Linked Text

You want your calls to action to be “clickable,” so using a plain text CTA won’t be as effective.

What if I don’t know how to add buttons and linked text?

Not a problem.

You can find instructions on how to add buttons to a page here and instructions on how to link text here.

Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

And keep an eye out for more tips and tricks posts! We’ll be rolling out more in the coming weeks.