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Making Accessibility Accessible

Great news everyone! In recent history, Web Services has been delivering training around accessibility for the web in our Writing for Web Accessibility workshops. Now we have moved a set of the materials upon which we base our workshops into our website. So now you can learn even more about how to present your web content in an accessible manner.

We all carry the responsibility for producing and promoting accessibility, both in the physical world and online. Web Services has striven to make the templates that we produce as accessible as possible for those with, for example, visual or physical disabilities (although in fact, we take the view that everyone has accessibility needs). But the template is only one portion of what appears on the web to represent Carleton. With every website we build, we are effectively handing over an empty frame to hang your content in – you can then produce content which is horrific in terms of accessibility, or which is amazingly straightforward to access and navigate!

Anyway, all this is to say we have moved a lot of what we know about accessibility onto the Web Services website. You can view it here.