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Low Vision Awareness Month and the Need for Web Accessibility

February is Low Vision Awareness Month!

According to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), an estimated 1.5 million Canadians have some form of significant vision loss. Low vision encompass a broad range of experiences that may change the way the individual interacts with the web.

At Carleton University, we strive to be a more inclusive community. As such, we have developed a website template that can be accessed by everyone. However, we need your help (website owners and editors) in creating accessible web content!

What is Low Vision?

Low vision is a term used to describe a visual impairment that cannot be fully corrected by glasses, contact lenses, or surgery. People with low vision may have difficulty seeing details, distinguishing colours, or perceiving depth. To access digital content, individuals may use assistive technologies such as:

  1. Screen magnifiers: Screen magnifiers are software applications that enlarge the content on a computer screen, making text and images easier to see for people with low vision. Check out how screen magnifiers work here.
  2. Screen-readers: Screen readers are software applications that read the content of a web page aloud. People with low vision can use screen readers to read everything from top to bottom, one line at a time, heading by heading, or link by link. Check out how screen readers work here.
  3. Special Browsers: Special browsers (such as WebbIE) provide features such as magnification, color contrast adjustment, and text-to-speech capabilities. These special browsers can provide a more accessible and user-friendly web browsing experience for people with low vision.

Making Your Website Accessible

To ensure that your website content is accessible for people with low vision, it should be formatted in a way that can be processed by assistive technologies. Here are some ways to make text, images, and videos more accessible:

Text Accessibility

Image Accessibility

Video Accessibility

Conclusion and Additional Resources

Low Vision Awareness Month is an important reminder of the challenges faced by people with low vision and the importance of web accessibility. By designing website content that is accessible to all users, including those with low vision, we can create a more inclusive and equitable web for everyone.

Check out our self-guided Web Accessibility Training to learn more about best practices and how to implement them!