Project Summary
Following the successful completion of the David C. Onley Initiative 1.0 Project (2018 – 2020), the DCOI 2.0 Project: Implementing a Collective Impact Strategy to Support the Employment of Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities across Ontario is continuing efforts toward improving employment outcomes of post-secondary students with disabilities in Ontario.
The DCOI 2.0 project aims to share and build the foundational knowledge of Ontario post-secondary institutions by introducing an online “Field Guide” to navigate the implementation of best practices and learnings of the DCOI Collective Impact Strategy.

DCOI Project Team
In addition to continuing collaboration with the Ottawa-based institutions from DCOI 1.0 (Algonquin College, Carleton University, La Cite, and the University of Ottawa), the DCOI 2.0 project is collaborating with three additional Ontario post-secondary institutions to test and apply the relevant elements of the DCOI Collective Impact Strategy: George Brown College, Lakehead University, and University of Guelph. Measuring the impact of these practices towards enhancing processes and systems that benefit students with disabilities in their employment journey and outcomes is of utmost importance.
The experiences and learnings will be evaluated to inform the viability for more extensive replication of the post-secondary elements of the DCOI Collective Impact Strategy, and ultimately bring forward conversations to influence the developmental and institutional changes in the sector. Building post-secondary institutions’ capacity to serve and support students with disabilities will contribute to improve employability and employment outcomes toward Ontario’s inclusive, equitable and accessible labour markets.
This $3 million project is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities and will be led by the Accessibility Institute at Carleton University from November 2021 to October 2024.
Final Reports
Download the DCOI 2.0 Final Report in English or French:
Project Outputs
The DCOI 2.0 project produced the #AbleTo Prepare Students for Work Field Guide, available online on the #AbleTo website, provides a lasting resource for all Ontario institutions, enabling ongoing improvements in accessibility. This online resource provides tools, templates, and practical advice to help postsecondary service providers support students and engage employers.
Visit #AbleTo Learn to explore the Field Guide.
Project Team
- Tara Connolly, Primary Lead
- Julie Caldwell, Secondary Lead
- Jessie Gunnell, Projects Officer
- Muhammad Andri Mulia, Project Manager
- Mirvat Sanaallah, Project Coordinator
- Carlo Mandarino, Measurement and Evaluation Specialist
- Satpreet Dhillon, Knowledge Mobilization Lead
- Project Pilot Leads:
- Dean Mellway, Pilot Guide Ottawa Collaboration
- Bonney Hunt, Pilot Guide Ontario Collaborators
- Greg Smith, Pilot Guide Ontario Collaborators
For inquiries about DCOI 2.0, please contact the Project Team at