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Work Study

The Work Study Program offers part-time, paid on-campus employment to eligible undergraduate students attending Carleton. The program offers students the opportunity to earn money while leaning, to develop workplace knowledge and skills, and explore how their academic studies translate to career possibilities.


The following requirements must be met to be eligible for the program:


Students must apply to participate in the Work Study Program each year and be approved by the Awards Office before they can be hired. Funding and space in the program is limited and applications are assessed on a first-come-first-served basis.

It is important for you to complete and submit your application as soon as possible. Incomplete applications will not be considered. The Work Study Application can be found on Carleton Central:


The application for 2024-2025 is now closed.
The application for the 2025-2026 academic year will open September 1, 2025.

Student approval communication process

Please monitor the status of your application on Carleton Central and check your Carleton email regularly for information regarding your Work Study application.

Students who are approved to participate in the program will be instructed to retrieve and print their Certificate of Approval from Carleton Central.

Applying to Work Study positions

Students who have been approved to participate in the program will be able to view and apply to Work Study Jobs posted on the “mySuccess” portal via Carleton Central. Only students with a valid Certificate of Approval will be given access to view Work Study Jobs at the student dashboard Work Study side menu.

Career Services offers resume review sessions to provide feedback on resumes and help you get your resume ready to apply for Work Study positions.

Types of Jobs Available

Jobs include working in the library and academic departments and in various areas within student services. Work Study job postings are limited to internal Carleton employers. You may even work in an area related to your field of study.

Amount of Money you can Earn

As a participant in the Work Study Program, you may work up to a maximum of 192 hours and earn up to a maximum of $3,450 for the fall/winter session.

Other Jobs at Carleton

Visit the Career Services website for more information.

Information for Employers

The Work Study Program is a financial aid program funded by Carleton University.  It is intended to supplement the resources of undergraduate students who are in financial need and have the fewest financial options by providing part-time employment with the university. It is important to note that approval to participate in the program rests with the student and not with the potential employer.

The Awards Office works in partnership with Career Services to administer the Work Study job posting process. If your department is considering hiring a work study student for the Fall/Winter session, please see CUHire, Career Services’ online employer portal for general information on how the program works and posting a position. Job postings are limited to internal Carleton employers. Given the volume of positions for the Work Study program, we reserve the right to limit the number of positions posted. There is no guarantee that all positions will be filled.

Work Study FAQ