This project is on Carleton student’s views on current issues in blood donation screening.
To participate in this study, you must be:

✔  A Carleton student

✔  18 to 24 years old

✔   Able to connect with researchers over Zoom or phone

✔   Comfortable in the English language

Experience giving blood not required

Interviews will be audio-recorded with your consent. Once the recording has been transcribed, the audio recording will be destroyed and de-identified. If you would rather not be audio-recorded you may still participate if you consent to the researcher taking notes during the interview.

This research has been cleared by Carleton University Research Ethics Board-B (CUREB-B Clearance #115675.)

 Please CLICK HERE to complete a pre-screening questionnaire. Only eligible participants will be invited to take part in an interview.

Contact: Jaya Rastogi- Research Team Member: