We have another position available this week, working under James on our Bat Team in Ottawa. We’re looking for a Bat Research Technician for a 1-year term with possibility of extension. This role is funded by Canada Summer Jobs, so the candidate must meet the requirements set out in the position description.

The role of the Bat Research Technician will be to work with participants of the national bat box project to assemble and distribute equipment, provide guidance on installation and monitoring, and assist in data processing. The candidate will also undertake monitoring bat roosts in the Ottawa area, installation of data loggers and the potential (pending adequate funding) to assist in the capture, tagging and radio tracking of Little Brown Myotis.

The entire job description can be found HERE.

Applications close December 13, 2021.

Contact: Kiersten Mork,
Human Resources Specialist
CanadianWildlifeFederation.ca | Federationcanadiennedelafaune.ca