Jasmine Kharazmi, a student of the music program at Carleton is working on a project with Dr. James McGowan, Professor of Music and Carleton University Chair in Teaching Innovation. They have created a poetry/songwriting and composition competition for all Carleton students from any department and would really appreciate student engagement to discover and promote musical and literary talents at Carleton. They also want to celebrate students’ experience in their courses, their programs, and in the whole university to contribute to our collective sense of pride. This will also be a great opportunity for students to learn new skills, win prizes, and be more involved in Carleton community. Especially in these unprecedented times, it’s a great chance for students to engage more on campus activities and get to know people from other departments.

For more informationt: https://carleton.ca/fass/2021/10/songwriting-and-poetry-competition/

Competition Poster