My name is Anna Stone, and I am a Master’s student in the Department of Psychology at Carleton University. I am working on a research project under the supervision of the lead researcher, Dr. Joanna Pozzulo.

As a student at Carleton University, I am inviting you to participate in a study entitled “Evaluating Carleton University’s Mental Health and Well-Being Services”.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the mental health and well-being services offered at Carleton University. Specifically, this study will examine what services are being used (and not used) at Carleton, if these resources are meeting student expectations, and if there are any barriers to accessing them. In addition, this study will examine if the mental health and well-being services offered provide additional benefits such as lowering stress and promoting positive emotions and resiliency.

To participate in the survey, a link will be provided below that will bring you to the survey platform, Qualtrics. This study involves an online survey that will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

There is a risk of mental discomforts associated with participating in this study. You are free to skip any questions you do not want to answer. If you feel any emotional distress from answering any of these questions, please contact the Ottawa Distress Centre (613-238-3311).

To be eligible to be entered into the $25 gift card draw, participants will be required to input their Carleton email addresses. However, care will be taken to protect your identity. Once gift cards have been distributed to the winners of the draw, all identifying information will be deleted and the information you provide will be completely anonymous. This will be done by keeping all responses confidential to the researchers and allowing you to request that your data not be included in the final project.

You will have the right to end your participation in the study at any time, for any reason, up until March 31st, 2022. If you choose to withdraw, all the information you have provided will be destroyed. All research data will be encrypted/password-protected. Any hard copies of data including any handwritten notes or USB keys will be kept in a locked cabinet at Carleton University. Research data will only be accessible by the student researcher and the lead researcher.
This research has been cleared by Carleton University Research Ethics Board-B (Clearance #116756) and will expire on 03/31/2022.
Should you have any ethical concerns with the study, please contact the REB Chair, Carleton University Research Ethics Board-B (by email: For all other questions about the study, please contact the researcher. During Covid, the Research Ethics Staff are working from home without access to their Carleton phone extensions. Accordingly, until staff return to campus, please contact them by email. For all other questions about the study, please contact the researcher.
If you have any questions about the research, please contact me at or

To participate in this study please click the following link: