When racism makes you sick: Understanding the role of racial trauma on Black health

May 12, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) | Virtual event on Zoom Register Here


Racial trauma refers to events related to the experiences of race-based discrimination experienced by people from racialized communities. Studies conducted over the past several decades have shown that racial trauma, and stress based on racial issues have significant impacts on both the mental and physical health of racialized people (anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, psychological distress, sleep disturbances, alcohol and substance use, cardiovascular disease, cortisol dysregulation, high body mass index and obesity, hypertension and nighttime ambulatory blood pressure, etc.). In addition, racial trauma is also associated with a higher rate of early mortality in racialized individuals. In this presentation, Dr. Cénat will first present the latest data collected on the prevalence of different forms of racial discrimination in different settings and services in Canada (health, education, hiring and workplace, racial profiling and police violence, etc.). He will then explain the mechanisms associated with racial trauma, as well as its consequences on the physical and mental health of racialized communities in Canada. Finally, Dr. Cénat will present elements of the “How to provide anti-racist mental health care” and the “Becoming Anti-racist” trainings as educational tools to better prevent racial discrimination, institutional and cultural racism, by engaging each citizen and healthcare providers to not be content with simply being not be racist, rather to develop an anti-racist attitude.