M.Sc. project in PLANT COMMUNITY ECOLOGY (Forest edges)

  • I am looking for an accomplished and motivated M.Sc. student for study on vegetation structure at forest edges.
  • The project would begin in 2023 in the Masters in Applied Science program at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
  • Possible study sites are in Nova Scotia (e.g., Kejimkujik National Park or Cape Breton) or in Brazil (in the Atlantic Forest near Rio de Janeiro or São Paulo).
  • Possible research topics include (but are not limited to): development of forest edges next to regenerating pasture in Brazil, patterns of structural diversity in heterogeneous landscapes, global synthesis of edge influence on vegetation.
  • Methods could include field data collection, spatial pattern analysis, meta-analysis, LiDAR or drone imagery. Results could be linked to conservation, climate change or species at risk.

If you are interested in research on the edge, please contact: Karen Harper, Adjunct Professor, Saint Mary’s University Forest Edge Research Network (FERN) Karen.Harper@smu.ca