The McDonald Institute is pleased to welcome applications for the Cross-Disciplinary Internship (CDI) program. This internship is an opportunity for students enrolled outside of physics to participate in astroparticle physics research over the summer 2023 term.

Students (college-level, undergraduate, or graduate) apply to work on a project with an astroparticle physicist that leverages their disciplinary knowledge to new spaces. Students receive $12,000 CAN for the experience and can work anywhere across Canada with a supervisor (i.e., faculty or post-doctoral fellow) whose research is based in astroparticle physics. Past interns have come from health sciences, computer sciences, education, and beyond. We are hopeful for new students from different disciplines will apply and bring their skills to the table! Check out past interns and their projects here for inspiration:  Your unit is also welcome to share the poster (attached) on any platform that reaches current students and postdocs.

This is a unique paid summer experience for students to participate in research-based positions that can help propel their academic careers forward, while also expanding opportunities during their degrees.

Any questions about the program, or to signal your intent to apply, please contact Dr. Alexandra Pedersen prior to applying to discuss the project. Please use “CDI Program – [LAST NAME]” as the subject line.  The deadline to apply is Friday January 20, 2023 at 4pm EST.