Miniseries: Updates from the Field – CMN Expeditions 2022

A decade of beetle hunting in Cuba is only the beginning for Robert Anderson’s quest to map out as much as he can of the diversity of the Earth’s most successful animals on the largest Caribbean island.

Une décennie de chasse aux coléoptères à Cuba n’est que le début de la quête de Robert Anderson, qui cherche à cartographier autant que possible la diversité des animaux les plus prospères de la planète sur la plus grande île des Caraïbes.

Virtual Seminar Wednesday November 23, 2022 – Conférence virtuelle mercredi le 23 novembre 2022

12:00 – 13:00 (Eastern  Time)

Robert Anderson, PhD (Canadian Museum of Nature)

Collecting Beetles in Cuba 2012-2022

“Collecte de coléoptères à Cuba 2012-2022”

Summary:  During May of 2022 Robert Anderson and Andrew Smith had the opportunity to sample beetles in western Cuba. This was Robert’s fourth and Andrew’s second trip. This talk will give a history of their previous trips as well as a summary of this trip with numerous images from the field as well as photos of beetles. As the largest and one of the most topographically complex islands in the West Indies, Cuba is an exceptionally interesting but very much under-sampled country. Many more species of beetles are expected to occur there than are currently known.

Difficulties in studying Cuban beetles are discussed as is the need for strong within country collaboration from Cuban scientists. A brief history of the study of beetles in Cuba is also presented.

This seminar is open to public.

Please register HERE to receive a link to the Zoom event.

You are welcome to share the flyer with family, friends or colleagues at other institutions and post the registration link on your social media.

Cette conférence est ouverte au public. 

Veuillez vous inscrire ici pour recevoir un lien vers l’événement Zoom.

Vous êtes invités à partager le dépliant avec votre famille, vos amis ou vos collègues d’autres institutions et à publier le lien d’inscription sur vos médias sociaux.


Photograph by Art Evans


About the speaker:

Robert Anderson is a research scientist at the Canadian Museum of Nature who studies beetle biodiversity, especially weevils. Bob has published over 160 scientific papers and book chapters, has described numerous species new to science, and has conducted extensive field research throughout the Americas.

Présentation du conferencier :

Robert Anderson est un chercheur scientifique au Musée canadien de la nature qui étudie la biodiversité des coléoptères, en particulier les charançons. Bob a publié plus de 160 articles scientifiques et chapitres de livres, a décrit de nombreuses espèces nouvelles pour la science et a mené des recherches approfondies sur le terrain dans toutes les Amériques.

Tetsuto Miyashita