Miniseries: Updates from the Field – CMN Expeditions 2022

Let’s see if he actually shows up in that form.

Voyons s’il se montre vraiment dans ce costume.

Virtual Seminar Wednesday November 30, 2022 – Conférence virtuelle mercredi le 30 novembre 2022

12:00 – 13:00 (Eastern  Time)

Jordan Mallon, PhD (Canadian Museum of Nature)

A dinosaur bonebed like no other

Un banc d’ossements de dinosaures pas comme les autres”

Summary:  Horned dinosaurs were among the most successful large herbivores of the Late Cretaceous, and their remains are found throughout North America and parts of China, most spectacularly in the form of bonebeds (mass death assemblages). Since 2015, Dr. Jordan Mallon (with Dr. Scott Rufolo and crew) has been digging up one such bonebed in the badlands of Alberta. The species represented there (Centrosaurus apertus) is common, but the style of preservation is not: whereas most horned dinosaur bonebeds are preserved as jumbles of scattered bones, this one preserves associated skulls and skeletons. It therefore stands to provide more accurate information about spatial relationships within the preserved ‘herd’, which appears to consist of thousands of individuals. This talk will focus on the excavation of the bonebed to date, and the science coming out of it.

This seminar is open to public.

Please register HERE to receive a link to the Zoom event.

You are welcome to share the flyer with family, friends or colleagues at other institutions and post the registration link on your social media.

Cette conférence est ouverte au public. 

Veuillez vous inscrire ici pour recevoir un lien vers l’événement Zoom.

Vous êtes invités à partager le dépliant avec votre famille, vos amis ou vos collègues d’autres institutions et à publier le lien d’inscription sur vos médias sociaux.



About the speaker:

Dr. Jordan Mallon is a Research Scientist and Head of Palaeobiology at the Canadian Museum of Nature and an Adjunct Research Professor in Earth Sciences at Carleton University in Ottawa. His research interests centre on dinosaur palaeoecology and horned dinosaur evolution. His research program is supported by students of all stripes, with fieldwork mainly concentrated in Alberta and Saskatchewan. His favourite pie is strawberry rhubarb.

Présentation du conferencier :

Jordan Mallon est chercheur scientifique et chef de la paléobiologie au Musée canadien de la nature et professeur auxiliaire de recherche en sciences de la Terre à l’Université Carleton à Ottawa. Ses recherches portent sur la paléoécologie des dinosaures et l’évolution des dinosaures à cornes. Son programme de recherche est soutenu par des étudiants de tous les horizons, et les travaux sur le terrain sont principalement concentrés en Alberta et en Saskatchewan. Sa tarte préférée est la rhubarbe aux fraises.

Tetsuto Miyashita

Research Scientist, Palaeobiology / Chercheur scientifique (Paléobiologie)

Canadian Museum of Nature / Musée canadien de la nature

  1. O. Box 3443, Station D / c. p. 3443, succursale D

Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6P4, Canada

Adjunct Professor (Biology), the University of Ottawa

Adjunct Professor (Earth Sciences), Carleton University

