Are you interested in applying to medical school? Have you ever wished you could just talk to someone about the application process, and what studying medicine is actually like? Then this event is for you!

Join us on Wednesday, November 16 from 5:30pm-7:00pm for your chance to chat with current medical students! We will start off with a panel style Q&A period Q&A period followed by an open discussion in which you will have an opportunity to ask the panelists your questions.

This year’s panelists are:

To register, please log onto Carleton Central and click on Science Student Success Centre under the mySuccess tab.

Poster with text. The text reads “The Science Student Success Centre Presents Medical School Mixer. Wednesday, November 16th, 5:30pm to 7:00pm EST. SSSC (3431 Herzberg Laboratories). Interested in applying to medical school? Learn about various elements of medical school from a panel of current med students, and have an opportunity to ask them your questions! Scan to learn more and register. Carleton University Science Student Success Centre. Abhishek Kurusetty, 2nd year McMaster University. Alexa Derksen, 2nd year University of Ottawa. Catherine Kennedy, 3rd year St. George's University. Emma Huang, 2nd year Universtiy of Ottawa. Kika Otiono, 4th year McMaster University. Kiyan Heybati, 2nd year Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine."