The Emergency Department at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario is currently recruiting for the May-August 2023 placement block for a volunteer initiative known as the SUPPORT (Students Undertaking a Pediatric Program of Research Training) Ambassador Program. SUPPORT Ambassadors will be trained to help screen and enroll eligible patients as well as to collect research-related data for Emergency Department research studies. The goal of this program is to support clinical research activities in the CHEO Emergency Department and to provide clinical research education experience for students.

The CHEO ED Research Group would like to extend this opportunity to as many individuals as possible, therefore, it would be greatly appreciated if you could circulate the link to our program website to the students (both Undergraduate and Graduate) in your department. The opportunity is open to students in all faculties/departments. For those interested, program and application information can be found at .

The application deadline is Friday, March 31, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.