The course will focus on carbonate geology, ecology, paleoecology and paleoclimatology. It is limited to 50 participants including students and instructors. The course will be a team taught with Professor Ed Reinhardt from McMaster University and there will be a strong contingent of students from that school in attendance.

  • Prerequisites for undergraduates: second year standing in Earth Sciences and 3rdyear standing in Environmental Science, Biology and Physical Geography
  • Duration of course: Friday Feb 16 – Monday Feb 26 – all course requirements will be completed during the time in the field.
  • Location – Gerace Research Center, University of the Bahamas, San Salvador Island
  • Cost – The estimated total cost for each student will be ~$2300CAD.  Earth Science students or combined majors in this course are eligible for Collins Travel Fund support, currently set at $2000CAD.
  • Enrollment in the course is managed through Kristy Allen, departmental administrator <KristinJAllen@CUNET.CARLETON.CA>.

Most activities for the course take place on land, although there are opportunities every day for snorkeling.  For those not comfortable in the water life jackets will be available and there will be a buddy provided.  For those who do not want to get in the water at all that to can be accommodated.  There are opportunities to do optional SCUBA diving through the dive masters at Seasafari at the local Club Med. However, the number of students doing this activity are typically a very tiny proportion of those enrolled in the course.