The local organizing committee would like to invite you to participate in the upcoming Joint Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution and the Canadian Botanical Association, which will be held in downtown Winnipeg from 11-14 June, 2023.

The Call for Papers is open until March 31 (first come, first served). Early registration is also open until March 31. For details, see the conference website.

We welcome scientists conducting fundamental or applied research from universities, government agencies, NGO’s, industry, and Indigenous communities We encourage topics related to Indigenous Knowledge and Conservation and topics that promote diversity, inclusion, and reconciliation in fundamental and applied science and in education.

Susan Lingle

Co-chair, Local Organizing Committee, CSEE-CBA 2023 SCEE-ABC Winnipeg

Conference website: www.beepeg2023.ca; Conference email: beepeg2023@gmail.com

Twitter: @beepeg2023 or @CSEE_SCEEmtgs or @CanBotanical

Professor, Department of Biology, University of Winnipeg. Winnipeg, MB R3B 2E9