Science To Business Network organizes networking events for graduate students to aid in their academic training. They run various types of events which introduce students to industry experts in Q&A type setting or workshops to enhance their skills for interviews, gain understanding of what its like to work in industry as a scientist and what business options may await them in the science field.

For this upcoming week, they are hosting a virtual event for graduate students by the title of “Nailing the Interview”. The organizers have invited Sylvie Marko, a career and employment specialist, for this event to help grads in preparing for things like; what to do before and after job interviews, how to prepare for different types of interviews, what questions to expect, and give them some tips and available resources to further prepare themselves.

This is a link to our website for more information and for general registration information:

The event will be held on Thursday March 23, from 12:30 – 2:00 PM EDT over zoom.