Jake Brownscombe
Alumnipostdoctoral Researcher
Degrees: | B.Sc., M.Sc. (Trent), Ph.D. (Carleton) |
Email: | jbrownsc@connect.carleton.ca |
Office: | Cooke Lab |
Website: | Visit my lab website |
Current Research
My research focuses on behavioural and physiological ecology of fish in both freshwater and marine ecosystems, where I explore how fish make a living in terms of both behaviour and energy dynamics. I also conduct more applied research that aims to improve our understanding the impacts of recreational fishing practices on fish welfare, with the overall goal of developing and promoting more sustainable recreational fisheries. In my research I use biologging and biotelemetry tools extensively, with particular emphasis on accelerometry.
Selected Publications
Brownscombe, JW, AJ Danylchuk, JM Chapman, LFG Gutowsky, SJ Cooke. 2016. Best angling practices for catch-and-release fisheries – angling tools and tactics. Fisheries Research. FISH6433
Brownscombe, JW, ADM Wilson, J Krause, S Krause, LFG Gutowsky, E Brooks, SJ Cooke. 2015. Integrating advances in network analysis, sensor tags and direct observation to understand shark ecology and behaviour. Behavioural Ecology arv115.
Brownscombe, JW, SD Bower, W Bowden, L Nowell, JD Midwood, N Johnson, SJ Cooke. 2014. Canadian Recreational Fisheries: 35 Years of Social, Biological, and Economic Dynamics from a National Survey. Fisheries 39:251-260
Brownscombe, JW, LFG Gutowsky, AJ Danylchuk, SJ Cooke. 2014. Foraging behaviour and activity of a marine benthivorous fish estimated using tri-axial accelerometer biologgers. Marine Ecology Progress Series 505:241-251
Brownscombe, JW, JD Thiem, C Hatry, F St-Louis, CR Haak, AJ Danylchuk , SJ Cooke. 2013. Recovery bags reduce post-release impairments in locomotory activity and behaviour of bonefish (Albula spp.) following catch-and-release angling. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 440:207-215