Photo of Scott Wilson

Scott Wilson

Adjunct Research Professor

Degrees:Degrees: B.Sc. (Calgary), M.Sc., Ph.D. (British Columbia)
Office:National Wildlife Research Centre, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0H3

Current Research

My research program focuses broadly on the impacts of land use and climate change on vertebrate population dynamics and community structure. Three key themes underlying much of my research include 1) studies on full life cycle population ecology with an emphasis on the development and application of quantitative tools to understand limiting factors affecting migratory bird populations during breeding and non-breeding periods, 2) how the composition and configuration of agricultural landscapes affects biodiversity and community structure, and 3) macro-ecological research examining how climate and land-use change shape the distribution and abundance of species across spatial and temporal scales. To address these themes I often use a combination of citizen science data to examine broad geographic patterns and collaborative field projects at fine scales to identify mechanisms underlying population and community change.

Selected Publications

Wilson, S., A.E. McKellar, M.W. Reudink, P.P. Marra and L.M. Ratcliffe. 2017. Density-dependent immigration promotes population stability in a long-distance migratory bird. Population Ecology 59:169-178.

Farrell, C.E., S. Wilson and G. Mitchell. 2017. Assessing the relative use of clearcuts, burned sites and wetlands as habitat for declining aerial insectivores in the boreal forest. Forest Ecology and Management 386:62-67.

Wilson, S., K. Gil-Weir, R.G. Clark, G.J. Robertson, and M.T. Bidwell. 2016. Integrated population modeling to assess demographic variation and contributions to population growth for endangered whooping cranes. Biological Conservation 197:1-7.

Wilson, S., R.T. Alisauskas and D.K. Kellett. 2016. Factors influencing emigration of Ross’s and Snow Geese from an Arctic breeding area. Journal of Wildlife Management 80:117-126.

Marra, P.P., C.S. Studds, S. Wilson, T.S. Sillett, T.W. Sherry and R.T. Holmes. 2015. Non-breeding season habitat quality mediates the strength of density dependence for a migratory bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 282. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.0624.