Troy McMullin
Adjunct Research Professor
Degrees: | BA (Trent), HBSc (Trent), BEd (Queens), MES (Dalhousie), PhD (Guelph) |
Phone: | 613-566-4298 |
Email: | tmcmullin@mus-nature.ca |
Office: | Canadian Museum of Nature Research and Collections PO Box 3443 Stn “D” Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1P 6P4 |
Website: | Visit My Website |
Current Research
My research program is focused on advancing our knowledge of the Canadian lichen biota. I conduct interdisciplinary collection-based studies throughout the country with a focus on regions, habitats, and species that are poorly understood. I am attempting to resolve unknown questions in lichen ecology, developing regional base-line data for areas with knowledge gaps, and addressing taxonomic uncertainties using morphometrics, metabolite determinations, and phylogenetic analyses. Using the results from my research I help to develop conservation strategies for rare lichens and rare habitats. My current areas of interest are the Arctic, Atlantic Provinces, and National Parks.
Selected Publications
McMullin, R.T. and Y.F. Wiersma. 2019. Out with OLD-growth, in with ecological continNEWity: new perspectives on forest conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. doi:10.1002/fee.2016
McMullin, R.T., J. Maloles, S. Selva, and S.G. Newmaster. 2018. A synopsis of the genus Chaenotheca in North America, including a new species from southern Ontario, C. selvae. Botany 96: 547–553.
McMullin, R.T., D. Ure, M. Smith, H. Clapp, and Y.F. Wiersma. 2017. Ten years of monitoring air quality and ecological integrity using field-identifiable lichens at Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site in Nova Scotia, Canada. Ecological Indicators 81: 214–221.
McMullin, R.T., J.C. Lendemer, H.E. Braid, and S.G. Newmaster. 2016. Molecular insights into the lichen genus Alectoria (Parmeliaceae) in North America. Botany 94: 165–175.
McMullin, R.T., L.L. Bennett, O.J. Bjorgan, D.A. Bourque, C.J. Burke, M.A. Clarke, M.K. Gutgesell, P.L. Krawiec, R. Malyon, A. Mantione, A.T. Piotrowski, N.Y. Tam, A.C. Van Natto, Y.F. Wiersma, and S.G. Newmaster. 2016. Relationships between air pollution, population density, and lichen diversity in the Niagara Escarpment World Biosphere Reserve. The Lichenologist 48(5): 593-605.
McMullin, R.T., I.D. Thompson, and S.G. Newmaster. 2013. Lichen conservation in heavily managed boreal forests. Conservation Biology 27: 1020-1030.
McMullin, R.T., W.F. Bell, and S.G. Newmaster. 2011. The effects of triclopyr and glyphosate on lichens. Forest Ecology and Management 264: 90-97.