We have asked a couple of our recent grads to tell us about their PAPM experience before they go off to bigger and better things. Jeromy Kixmoller-Gosley is graduating in June 2020 with a Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management with a Specialization in International Studies.Jeromy Kixmoller-Gosley

What has been most valuable about PAPM experience?

The most obvious response and the one that holds true would be the people. The friends, staff, mentors and classmates all have added dimensions to the university experience that will be cherished ever so greatly. Not only has the contribution of the people enhanced my capabilities as a young professional and a student, the composition of the program equipped me with indispensable tools for multiple areas in the workforce that I will be able to apply at various stages of my life. The demanding and challenging nature of the program is often forgotten because of the tight-knit community that will go above and beyond to support every single student.

What have you enjoyed the most?

The discussions between all peoples in the program. Whether it be a discussion led by a policy expert in your seminars, or a one-on-one discussion with one of the tremendous professors, or even a chat between you and your classmate at Mike’s place, the meaningful dialogue about policy and how it is crafted was something I enjoyed very much. Through the program I also had the opportunity to use my knowledge in the classroom and apply it in a global setting through an internship in Colombia. That also definitely has to be added to the highlight reel.

In what ways has PAPM lived up to your expectations? 

I am reluctant to use this cheesy line but literally in every way. The program and its staff are one-of-a-kind, and I could not have been happier to be a part of it.

What are your plans after graduation?

I am currently working at Public Safety Canada working in the counterterrorism and cybersecurity branch as well as a part-time position with the House of Commons. I plan to continue working for the next couple of years and eventually return back to school for a Master of Business Administration.