The Ontario-Jiangsu Industrial Research and Development Program (OJIRDP) supports joint industrial R&D projects focusing on the development of products or processes that will lead to commercialization in global markets.  A partnership of the Jiangsu Science and Technology Department (JSTD) and the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (MEDJCT), OJIRDP supports projects leading to commercial success and socio-economic benefits for both jurisdictions.


The program has the following objectives:

  • To support bilateral industrial and technology collaborations that will drive technology development and commercialization in the global marketplace by leveraging industrial and technical capabilities across Ontario and Jiangsu
  • To develop and enhance cooperation in the field of industrial and technology innovations, to improve competitiveness and to further economic and business collaboration between Ontario and Jiangsu

The current call for proposals will accept project applications focusing on the following technology sectors:

  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Life Sciences


Funding is open, on a competitive basis, to:

  • In Ontario: R&D performing companies, universities, colleges or research institutions operating in Ontario.
  • In Jiangsu: Eligible applicants are R&D performing Jiangsu registered companies operating in Jiangsu.


  • At least one science and technology (S&T) company from Jiangsu and one S&T organization from Ontario should express a desire to cooperate in the research and development of a new product or a new process.
  • The project may involve more than one company/organization from each side. In Jiangsu, academic/research entities are eligible to join as sub-contractors only.
  • The proposed product/process should be highly innovative with significant commercial potential. The joint industrial R&D project should aim at the development of products/processes leading to commercialization in global markets.
  • The project applicants should agree in advance on the IP rights and on the commercialization strategy of the product or process through signing a Letter of Intent (LOI) for cooperation. For the submission phase, only an LOI for cooperation in a preliminary agreement or a draft memorandum of understanding format is required. However, the final signed cooperation agreement has to be presented to the funding authorities at the contracting stage.
  • The project should demonstrate the contribution of the participants from both jurisdictions.
  • The project must provide mutual benefit for applicants from both jurisdictions.
  • Applicants must undertake the responsibility to ensure any experimentation will be acceptable on ethical and safety grounds and maintain the highest standards of research integrity.

Funding Available

Successful Ontario applicants may receive a maximum of $150,000 CAD per project ($125,000 CAD direct costs and $25,000 CAD indirect cost for academic applicants   and $150,000 CAD direct costs for company applicants) from OCE under the OJIRDP program, to fund the Ontario portion of the project.

OCE anticipates that four projects will be funded through the 2018 Call for Proposals.

Helpful Links

In addition, there will be an information session for the OJIRDP program via teleconference (Skype for Business) on Thursday, October 25, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

The session will review the following topics to help you make the most of these international collaborative research programs:

  • Program Overview
  • Eligibility Criteria
  • How Funding Works
  • Evaluation Criteria
  • Application Process


Full Application:
CORIS Internal Deadline for Review Please contact your Heloise Emdon
Expression of Interest (EOI) Submission Deadline to OCE for Ontario applicant and to JSTD for Jiangsu applicant November 13, 2018 (2pm ET for Ontario applicants)
Invitation for Full Participation December 2018
cuResearch Checklist Deadline Febraury 12, 2018
Full application submission to sponsor February 19, 2018

Submitting Your Application

  • Applications must be submitted via cuResearch, through which Departmental and Associate Dean’s approval must be provided to complete the online application process.
  • More information on cuResearch can be found here.

Internal Contacts

If you would like assistance with proposal development and/or a substantive review of your proposal, please contact Heloise Emdon.