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How to Register

How to Register

Register for Academic Prep through Carleton Central, as you would a credit class.

You can build your timetable before your official registration day. Then, when your time ticket opens, come back, press a button, and you’re done!

  1. Sign in to Carleton Central with your MyCarletonOne login and password
  2. Under Registration, click “Build my Timetable” and select the upcoming semester from the drop-down menu. For example, Academic Prep offered in August is under Fall.
  3. Course level is “Undergraduate” and subject is “Centre for Initiatives in Education.”
  4. Press the search button at the bottom of the page. There should be only one course: Academic Prep
  5. Check the box to the left of the course name and click “Proceed to Worksheet”
  6. You should see that CIED 0999 Academic Prep has been added to your worksheet.
  7. When your time ticket opens for registration, return to your worksheet. Click “Proceed to registration” then “Submit” to enroll in all classes on your worksheet
  8. The Academic Prep course should be added to your timetable.
  9. The course fee will be included in your Fall tuition.

Don’t forget: Build your timetable before your time ticket opens. That way, you’ll have time to address any questions or technical problems before registration day.

How to Withdraw

If you need to withdraw from Academic Prep, you must do so before August 16, 2024 in order to avoid being charged. The process is demonstrated in this video.

For further questions about the registration and withdrawal process, visit the Registrarial Services web site or email us at