Annual Report

This report is to be filed annually in April by all Cultural Mediations students. It is shared internally with the thesis Supervisor (who approves section 6, Forthcoming Academic Year) and is made available as needed to the Graduate Supervisor and ICSLAC administration. With the student's consent, it is shared with FGPA in lieu of the yearly Milestone Report. The Annual Report serves three purposes: 1) It provides students with the opportunity to self-assess their progress and verify the accuracy of their audit. 2) It provides updated information to the thesis Supervisor, the Graduate Supervisor and ICSLAC administration so we can support students to the fullest throughout their program. 3) It streamlines the yearly reporting required of all graduate students from FGPA (annual report filed in lieu of the standard FGPA Milestone Report).


  • Carleton cmail address
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

    If applicable (first-years and second-years may skip)
  • • For second comp: confirmed second reader • For proposal and dissertation: all confirmed advisory members

    Please fill out as per relevance to stage in the program (skip when not yet applicable).
    Expected timeline: Year 1, by Winter term
    Expected timeline: Year 2 (by winter term)
    Choose one. Expected timeline: • 1 credit in Year 1 (by end of Winter term) • 1.5 credits in year 2 (by end of Winter term)
    Expected timeline: year 1, summer term
    Expected timeline: Year 2 (by end of Summer term)
    • Expected timeline: Year 2
    Expected timeline: Year 3 (in Winter term)
  • • Briefly indicate stage of research and writing (point form is fine) • Expected timeline: Years 3 to 5

    All students should review their academic audit yearly to ensure they are aware of outstanding requirements and to check for accuracy. Access an up-to-date audit on Carleton Central to fill out this section.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Report any inaccuracy in the comment section below.
  • Please report here the time limit as recorded on your audit. Use the comment section below to address any query.
    Report any inaccuracy in the comment section below.
  • Please report any inaccuracy or query. Clearly identify the program requirement and provide a succinct description of the inaccuracy.

    Please outline term by term your progress over the past academic year by term (point form is fine).
  • Please indicate specific awards applied to and outcome. Simply record NA if not applicable. Standard timelines: • Carleton Internal Awards: early Fall • OGS and SSHRC: Fall • ICSLAC Awards (E. Witt, R. Greenberg, Director's Fund): Winter term or as per email calls
  • Please note any professional (conferences, publications, exhibitions curated, etc.) and teaching experience (TAing, guest lecturing, actual teaching) acquired over the past year. Please indicate how these activities feed into the progress of your degree and dissertation (point form is fine).
  • Please indicate, for possible discussion with the Graduate Supervisor or your Dissertation Supervisor, any particular challenges that you have faced over the past year that have affected your ability to complete the program requirements.

    Please outline term by term your goals for the upcoming academic year, including deadlines (point form is fine).
  • Please indicate, for possible discussion with the Graduate Supervisor or your Dissertation Supervisor, any particular challenges that you anticipate over the next year that could affect your ability to complete the program requirements.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.