Teaching under Article 17

Although ICSLAC does not offer undergraduate courses, undergraduate teaching opportunities do exist with other Carleton departments. The work and preparation commitment is usually significant. If planned at the wrong stage, a teaching assignment can hinder the timely progression of the PhD. For this reason, students should only consider teaching an undergraduate course after completion of all coursework, both comprehensive exams and their dissertation proposal. All-but-dissertation (ABD) students should also consult with their dissertation supervisor and/or the program’s Graduate Supervisor prior to accepting a teaching position.
Teaching by doctoral students can occur in two ways:
• as per Article 17 of the CUPE 4600-2 Collective Agreement (undergraduate courses set aside for doctoral teaching);
• in the form of Contract Instructor employment as per article 15 of the CUPE 4600-2 Collective Agreement (please consult the employment opportunity page of departments relevant to your expertise).

For article 17 positions only, we invite ABD students to fill out the form below (preferably in November) if they would like to be added to the list we maintain annually and make available to other units on request.Please note that this is not an application process but simply an expression of interest which we can they relay when we are approached for doctoral candidates who might consider teaching under article 17. Academic units offering these positions are solely responsible for candidate selection and hiring.

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