Dissertation Committee Composition (thesis proposal and ABD stages)
Purpose: For all Cultural Mediations students entering the thesis proposal stage, the details of the committee providing supervision must be filed with the Institute using the form below. The same form is also to be used whenever the committee membership needs to be updated.
Responsibility: The Supervisor (or one of the ICSLAC co-supervisors) is responsible for submitting the form on behalf of the Dissertation Committee. Upon receipt of the form, the candidate and all members of the committee will be copied.
Timing: The form should be filed with ICSLAC well ahead of the thesis proposal defence, usually after the thesis proposal workshop takes places.
Some useful reminders about the composition of dissertation committees:
What is the membership of a dissertation committee?
• The supervisor (or two co-supervisors)
• Two advising committee members
Who can supervise?
• Any Carleton faculty members (non-retired) cross-appointed with ICSLAC and granted sole supervisory privileges (as per FGPA’s policy)
• Any retired Distinguished Research Professors cross-appointed with ICSLAC
Who can co-supervise?
• Any Carleton faculty members (non-retired) cross-appointed to ICSLAC, with a least one holding full supervisory privileges (as per FGPA’s policy)
• Any Carleton faculty members (non-retired) not cross-appointed to ICSLAC but granted an ICSLAC affiliation for the duration of the supervision
• Any Adjunct Research Professor or Emeriti Professor cross-appointed with ICSLAC
Who can act as an advising committee member?
• Any employed faculty member (cross-appointed with ICSLAC or not, Carleton-employed or not) with expertise relevant to the project