Pauline Goutain
Assistant Director, Musée d'Art Roger-Quilliot
Degrees: | Ph.D (Carleton University) |
Dr. Pauline Goutain, Cultural Mediations Ph.D. (2017),The Material Mythologies of Art Brut (1945-1976). (Supervisors: Professors Jill Carrick and Fabrice Flahutez (Paris Nanterre). Pauline is currently Assistant Director of the Musée d’Art Roger-Quilliot, a museum of fine arts in Clermont-Ferrand (France). She graduated from the Ecole du Louvre in museology and art history (Paris, France) before completing her PhD in Cultural Mediations in cotutelle with Paris Nanterre (France). Her doctoral thesis demonstrates how the concept of Art Brut and the works it designates call into question post-Second World War taste. Following her doctoral studies, Pauline took a post-doctoral position under the supervision of Professor Jill Carrick, focusing on the book L’optique moderne (1963) by the lettrist François Dufrêne and the new realist Daniel Spoerri. She is currently preparing a monograph on the Franco-Croatian artist Slavko Kopac (1913-1995), Jean Dubuffet’s right-hand man and first curator of the Art Brut collection. She will be curating the exhibition Sur les pas de Jean Dubuffet en Auvergne at the Musée d’Art Roger Quilliot (June 29 – October 30, 2022, Clermont-Ferrand).