Waid C, Sinclair L, Priest L, Petrie S, Carson DB, Stevens S, & PA Peters (2019). Infographic: Rural Youth Mental Health Interventions. Spatial Determinants of Health Lab, Carleton University: Ottawa, ON. DOI:10.22215/sdhlab/kt/2019.2

A high-quality PDF of this infographic is available for download.

Estimates are that 20% of the world’s youth experience mental illness, leading to future disadvantages in family, finances, and employment. Youth residing in rural areas must travel long distances to access speciality health services such as mental health professionals – only to be met with longer wait times than urban counterparts.

Rural youth in Canada and Australia face similar inequities in accessibility of mental health services. When health services are not accessible, mental health care ends up becoming the responsibility of the community. But, communities are not trained in mental health care. The lack of robust rural and remote mental health care and the unique characteristics of each community leads to needs for community-based interventions.

We have created an infographic about barriers and facilitators for community-based interventions for rural youth mental health that we reviewed from the literature. Our hope is that this summary can provide a starting point for programs, policies, and research that addresses rural mental health services in rural and remote communities.