Photo of Ana Collares

Ana Collares

PhD Student

Degrees:PhD in Sociology, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Ana Collares has a PhD in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she focused on the study of social inequalities.

Ana is now working towards her second PhD at Carleton University, Department of Health Sciences. Thorough her work as a researcher at the Center for Demography and Urban Planning (CEDEPLAR/UFMG), a professor at the University of Brasília (UnB) and as a researcher at the Observatory of International Migration (OBMigra/MJUS/UnB), she focused on researching and teaching about inequalities in education and health, and in international migrant’s access to health. Before joining Carleton University, she was researching public health systems and how they adapt to accommodate population change such as migration, ageing and fertility changes, especially in remote areas. For her dissertation work she is exploring longitudinal data linking population change and access to health in rural areas of Canada.