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About Environmental Health and Safety

From Left to Right: Stephanie Vaithilingam, Tim Golding, Nancy Delcellier, Norm Barton, Tina Preseau, and Zaneta Polis

Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is the office within the Office of Risk Management that supports the prevention of accidents and injuries on campus.  We offer a number of solution-based programs encompassing Fire and Life Safety, Laboratory Safety, Workshop Safety, Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention, Ergonomics, and Accident/Incident Prevention. EHS has been an integral part of Carleton since the early 1980s, and as recently been merged with Risk and Insurance and Emergency Management in the newly formed Office of Risk Management. EHS is known for working collaboratively with faculty and staff, ensuring  legislative compliance while enabling and supporting research and student activities.

We’re the group that has you thinking “Safety First”, keeps our professional services staff at their jobs, and our students in classroom seats and not in hospitals.

Nancy Delcellier, Director of Environmental Health and Safety

The EHS team helps you reach your goals by ensuring a safe working environment while reducing your environmental and legal liabilities.

Our Vision

To maintain through collaboration, a workplace where health, safety and environmental stewardship are integral to the Carleton community

Our Mission

To promote a safe and environmentally conscious campus by providing expert guidance and effective leadership in support of Carleton’s strategic goals

Our Values

– Leading the Way

We set the example for effective environmental health and safety

– Collaboration

We forge successful relationships with stakeholders across the University to support a safe, healthy and sustainable workplace

– Innovation

We will look for creative ways to ensure research and teaching activities are undertaken in a safe manner

– Excellence

We dedicate ourselves to the highest standards of quality and professionalism

– Managing Risk

We minimize risk to the University through our focus on stakeholder engagement, hazard management and regulatory compliance