Respect and Safety Training (formerly Violence and Harassment Prevention)
Respect and Safety
In 2011, Carleton launched its “Respect and Safety” campaign in collaboration with Human Resources, Equity Services, University Safety and Environmental Health and Safety, to increase awareness and encourage prevention of workplace violence and harassment. This training course is offered as part of the Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention Program at Carleton. For more information about how the program is implemented, visit the webpage on Workplace Violence and Harassment.
Who should complete the training?
This training course is mandatory for all Carleton workers. This includes faculty, staff and management. Student workers must also complete the training. It must be completed within the first two weeks of starting work at Carleton, and is to be refreshed at least every three years..
How do I complete the training?
This 90 minute training course is offered to employees online through Brightspace. Employees of Carleton are automatically enrolled in this mandatory session within Brightspace. It will be found in your list of “my courses”. If it is not in your “my courses” follow the instructions below to self enroll.
- Visit Brightspace
- Sign in using your MC1 credentials.
- Select the correct course in “My Courses”. If the course is not listed in “My courses”, search for the training using the term “RESPECT AND SAFETY” through the Discover link in the navigation bar and self register by following the on-screen instructions.

Please note, Questions within the course must be successfully completed before gaining access to the final Quiz
If you encounter any problems or have questions about Carleton’s Respect and Safety campaign or the Respect and Safety training course, contact for assistance.