| Day 1: Holiday Lights
Consider LED lights and avoid electrical fires by replacing damaged strings and using nail-free clips for outdoor-rated lights. |
 | Day 2: Candles and Decorations
Don’t ruin the holiday season mixing holiday decorations and open flames from candles. Consider battery-operated candles and keep candles in a sturdy container, away from pets and children. Always blow candles out when you leave the room. |
 | Day 3: Smoke Alarms
When seconds matter, a working smoke alarm is the gift of time in the event of a fire. Test alarms monthly and replace batteries at least once a year and whenever the low battery warning sounds. |
 | Day 4: Carbon Monoxide Alarms
Odourless unlike gingerbread; invisible unlike an ugly holiday sweater! Carbon monoxide (CO) is a deadly gas that can cause flu-like symptoms. Only a CO alarm’s four beeps can protect your family from CO exposure. |
 | Day 5: Tree Watering
Falling needles are your tree’s way of telling you it’s drying out and is a fire statistic waiting to happen. Keep live trees away from heat sources, water daily, and use LED lights. |
 | Day 6: Extension Cords
Extension cords are only a temporary solution! Avoid electric shock and fire and don’t overload a circuit or run extension cords under a rug. If more outlets are needed, have them installed by a licensed electrician. |
 | Day 7: Kids in the Kitchen
Safety first, cookies second! Keep an eye on little bakers this season and never leave cooking unattended. |
 | Day 8: Home Fire Escape Plans
Santa needs one way out of your home – you need two! A home fire escape plan with two ways out of every room ensures your loved ones are prepared for the worst so you can focus on the best: festive cheer! |
 | Day 9: Cooking
Unattended cooking is a leading cause of home fires in Ontario. Always remember to slow things down and never walk away from the kitchen when there’s something on the stove.
 | Day 10: Heating Sources
Staying warm this Winter Solstice means practicing fire safety. If using space heaters, wood stoves, or fireplaces, keep at least one metre (3 feet) distance between heat source and combustibles, like paper and fabrics.
 | Day 11: Smoking
Never flick your butt – careless smoking remains the leading cause of fatal fires. This season, have smokers outside using deep, sturdy ashtrays. A lit butt is the difference between a holiday to remember and a holiday you’ll want to forget.
 | Day 12: Lithium-Ion Batteries
Receiving a new lithium-ion powered device as a gift can be exciting but also adds potential risk to your home. Keep an eye on anything charging, follow any instructions for safe charging and do not exceed suggested charge times.