Business Continuity is the creation of strategies through the recognition of threats and risks facing an organization, with a focus on resuming business operations in the event of a disaster or interruption in the most effective and efficient way. Resilience stands for the ability to recover quickly from difficulties and the ability of an individual or organization to bounce back. We seek to provide our community members with the right tools, as well as build up their capacity and capabilities to ensure their ability to “bounce back” in the event of a disaster or interruption.

Business Continuity & Resilience Planning involves …

  • defining potential risks,
  • determining how those risks will affect operations,
  • implementing safeguards and procedures designed to mitigate those risks,
  • testing those procedures to ensure that they work, and
  • periodically reviewing the plan and identified processes to make sure they are current.

Business Continuity & Resilience Planning is important so Carleton University can be a viable entity and can continue to provide services in the event of a business interruption.

All departmental units are responsible for developing and maintaining a Business Continuity and Resilience Plan, which identifies critical operations, facilities, and resource requirements.

For inquiries related to the Business Continuity & Resilience program, contact the Emergency Management and Business Continuity Officer.

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