Meet Marcus Creaghan by Marcus Creaghan

As my first blog post I thought I’d interview myself just to give the impression that there is actually a human being on the other side of all this. Here it goes:
Q: So how long have you been at Carleton University?
A: This is my third year in the English program.
Q: What made you choose Carleton?
A: To be honest its main appeal was that it was somewhere new. I was born and raised in southern New Brunswick and knew that I wanted to go to school outside the province. One day a recruiter from Carleton came to my high school and that sealed the deal. I wish it were more interesting than that, but-
Q: So what you’re saying is that you’re capricious, kind of a goes-which-way-the-wind-blows kind of guy?
A: Well, I don’t know about that. Question seems a bit hostile…
Q: Well I’m just letting you know how you come off to other people, okay.
A: Alright, thanks I guess.
Q: Sure. How would you describe your experience in the English program?
A: It’s been really good actually. I’m always impressed by the quality of the profs at this university. I think I had the expectation when I started that there would be only a few profs that really knew how to engage with a class, but I’ve found most of them to be really great.
Q: When you really need that A+, are you willing to flirt to get it?
A: Umm, no. Actually, I think me hitting on my profs could only hurt my marks.
Q: Well the way you went on and on about how good the profs are, y’know, I figured there was something behind that.
A: Yeah the answer is no, they’re just a talented group of people.
Q: See, cause that’s exactly what you would say if you were the department tease.
A: Did you run out of questions or something, cause this is really inappropriate.
Q: Alright, alright. Is there anything you’d like to see improved within the program?
A: Well, it’s actually something I see already in motion. I’d like to see the students come together a little more often. And I think we’re seeing a real concentrated effort by the department to organize the kind of events that are going to make that happen.
Q: Alright kiddo’ you’re kinda’ boring so I’m gonna’ wrap this up, anything to say before we go?
A: Just that I hope people will enjoy the blog, and that I encourage them to send me feedback at