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Research That Resonates: Advancing Knowledge in Arts and Social Sciences

FASS research addresses the world’s most pressing and complex questions. Our cutting-edge researchers work across a broad spectrum of disciplines and engage with scholarly, community, and public audiences through academic publications and presentations, artistic productions, newspaper and magazine articles, reports and policy briefs, and much more.

Arts and Social Sciences Research Review (2023)

Read the inaugural issue of the Arts and Social Sciences Research Review.

Research Stories

Engaging narratives that illuminate the transformative research spearheaded by our faculty.

illustration of people on a beach

Sanctuary in Pieces: Dr. Laura Madokoro’s Crucial New Book on Refuge, Responsibility, and Rethinking Compassion

by Nick Ward In her new book, Sanctuary in Pieces, Dr. Laura Madokoro of Carleton University’s Department of History asks readers to reconsider what ‘sanctuary’…

Dr. Alan Corbiere and Dr. Robertson viewing a work of art by Morrisseau as part of the Storylines Project filming.

Norval Morrisseau: Reviving Legacy Through Storylines

A Digital Journey into the Life of the Iconic Indigenous Artist By Ally Lemieux-Fanset In 1983, Carmen Robertson walked into…

© The Trustees of The Wormsley Fund and reproduced with permission from The Wormsley Estate

Notes From the Margins

Literature professor unearths untold histories by studying women’s writing By Alyssa TremblayBanner image by Nick Peate While archival research has…

K-Pop in the Classroom

By Alyssa TremblayPhotos by Ainslie Coghill Carleton’s first-ever Korean language instructor uses pop culture to help combat anti-Asian racism Did…

Connecting the Digital Dots

History professor creates machine-learning method to help researchers dig deeper into antiquities trafficking By Alyssa Tremblay How do you see…

Making Music Across Disciplinary Lines

An interview with Hooshyar Khayam, Carleton Music’s Artist-in-Residence for 2022-2023 As the semester comes to a close, so does internationally-renown…

Research News


Arts and Social Sciences Researcher Awarded NSERC Alliance Advantage Grant

Dr. Michael Wohl

New Study Unveils Game-Changing Tool for Promoting Responsible Gambling

Laura Banducci Awarded SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant

Katherine Parr's “Psalms or Prayers” (1544)

Katherine Parr’s Giftbooks, Henry VIII’s Marginalia, and the Display of Royal Power and Piety

Scenes of Bohemian Life by Henry Murger


Three FASS Researchers Awarded NSERC Discovery Grants

Prof. Shelley Brown

Shelley Brown Awarded SSHRC Partnership Development Grant

a collage of skulls

Unearthing the Exploitative Digital Trade in Human Remains