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Second Term

It’s second term again. I know this because the -20 degree weather is charitably distributing free botox to the scarf-less.

Most English majors are experiencing a relaxing calm. We’re past the weird behavior instigated by cramming for first term exams-My habits being to binge on Dr. Pepper and Chicken McNuggets (a food toward which I have a lasting fascination, seeing them as a kind of film adaptation which makes only the most cursory references to its source material. “This meal is based on a true poultry”). And, the looming threat of any really important work hovers non-threateningly in February.

The best way to take advantage of this small window of leisure might be to participate in some of the events going on within the department. This Thursday is the Poetry Recitathon for PEN (Jan, 26 Dunton Tower 2017 4-6pm).

Also good to keep in mind The Wilde-est Home Video contest that the department is putting on. Parody any work of literature studied this year in a video, post it on YouTube and send the link to the department to be eligible.

For those of you who were in Prof. Barrows 20th Century Fiction course you should know that as of the new year Joyce’s work became public domain, so no fear of any nasty litigation if you decide to finally take your frustrations out on Finnegans Wake in the only way that really matters: by defacing it on the internet.