Campus Master Plan Review: Visioning Session on Nov. 11
Every five years, Carleton reviews its Campus Master Plan and it’s that time again.
The process is now underway and will be completed in June 2016. When completed, the Board of Governors will review and approve the updated Campus Master Plan which outlines the university policies related to campus development.
Key to the review process is public consultation, both with members of our campus community and stakeholders in the broader Ottawa community. Building on the 2010 Campus Master Plan, this five-year review will update and or confirm the elements of the existing Master Plan.
Carleton has retained the Brook McIlroy team to prepare our Campus Master Plan update. The consultant team is hosting a Campus Visioning Session on Nov. 11, from noon to 2 p.m. in the University Centre Galleria. This is an opportunity for you to provide your input and ideas, which will help shape the updated plan. Everyone is welcome to attend. A second event is planned for 2016.
More information about the process to update the Campus Master Plan is available at: