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CU in the City, Toronto – Why We Find Things Interesting by Dr. Jim Davies

CU in the City Toronto Poster

In this talk which will be held at the Arts & Letters Club of Toronto, Jim Davies, of the Institute of Cognitive Science at Carleton University and director of the Science of Imagination Laboratory, will discuss the science behind why some things seem to resonate with our minds and others do not. Why do we get hooked on a hockey game, or to a novel? Why do some religious stories seem so meaningful? Drawing from research from psychology, biology, computer science, and more, Davies will explain the underlying psychological traits human beings have that serve as the foundation for all things compelling.

Thursday, May 21, 2015
6:00 pm Reception, 7:00 pm Lecture
The Arts & Letters Club of Toronto
14 Elm Street

Dr. Jim Davies
Dr. Jim Davies