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A talk with German Climate Scientist and Physics Prof. Anders Levermann

Professor Anders Levermann
Professor Anders Levermann

Carleton University and the German Embassy Present:
“Evolving understanding of climate change and sea level rise and its perception by policy makers”
by Professor Anders Levermann
Wednesday, October 14, 2015, 11:00 am –1:00 pm
5110 Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Building
Snacks will follow the lecture and discussion

Anders Levermann is a climate scientist and physics professor from Germany. He was a lead author of the sea-level chapter of the latest UN climate report (IPCC-AR5). His research at the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research focuses on the tipping of systems. Prof Levermann has published scientific articles for example on the Antarctic ice sheet, fracture dynamics, ocean circulation, monsoon rainfall and the future evolution of the global sea level. Since 2012 he also leads the research on global adaptation strategies at the Potsdam Institute, developing a dynamic model of economic damage propagation for the global production- and supply network. Anders Levermann advises government representatives, members of parliament, political parties as well as economic stakeholders and journalists with respect to climate change issues.

Presented by:

German Embassy Logo
Climate Commons Logo
Department of Geography
Ottawa Climate Talks