Opening ceremony for Walking With Our Sisters @ Carleton University Art Gallery

Friday, 25 September 2015
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Carleton University Art Gallery, Gallery 101 and the Walking With Our Sisters Ottawa Committee are honoured to invite you to the opening ceremony for Walking With Our Sisters.
Over the last thirty years, more than 1180 Indigenous women, girls and Two-Spirit people have been reported missing or murdered in Canada. Many have vanished without a trace, and their cases have often been inadequately investigated, neglected or ignored.
Walking With Our Sisters is a commemorative art installation that honours and respects the lives of these women, girls and Two-Spirit people. They are sisters, mothers, aunties, daughters, cousins, grandmothers, wives and partners. They are not forgotten.
Walking With Our Sisters is a collective, collaborative, community-based project that creates a ceremonial public space so that people can come together to honour, to mourn, to remember, and to raise awareness.
Admission is free and everyone is welcome!